
Showing posts from May, 2022

Got It by the Grapevine / Heard It on the Grapevine

Some of the most exciting information comes by way of  the grapevine . That is so because reports received through the grapevine are supposed to be secret. The information is all  hush hush . It is whispered into your ear with the understanding that you will not pass it on to others. You feel honored and excited. You are one of the special few to get this information. You cannot wait. You must quickly find other ears to pour the information into. And so, the information - secret as it is – begins to spread. Nobody knows how far. The expression  by the grapevine  is more than one hundred years old. The American inventor, Samuel F. Morse, is largely responsible for the birth of the expression. Among others, he experimented with the idea of telegraphy – sending messages over a wire by electricity.  When Morse finally completed his telegraphic instrument, he went before Congress to show that it worked.  He sent a message over a wire from Washington to Baltimore. The message was: "What