
Showing posts from March, 2021

A Story of Love and Forgiveness

    Many years ago, while I was experiencing the pain of being betrayed by someone I loved, I turned to Bill, one of my mentors who had gone through the same thing earlier in his life.  He told me, "When trust in a loved one is violated it causes the most devastating pain in existence.  First, you go through shock.  You fell so violated.  Then you just hurt.  I felt like someone stuck a knife in me and ripped my entire insides out."  I asked him how he recovered from such a loss.  His answer was, "It takes a long time.  But we have to learn to deal with it,  and we have to learn to move on.  If we don't, we let it destroy us, I had the support of some great friends, talked to my pastor several times, read two powerful books, and saw a professional counselor for about three months.  All of it was helpful." He said the hardest part was learning to forgive.  Both his pastor and his counselor told him it was the only way he'd be able to heal.  His first reaction

Forgiveness is an Important Part of Love

      Please turn back to Chapter 4 and take another look at the examples of pain and suffering compiled by my students.  After completing it, I asked them to divide it into two main types of pain.  Most of them got it right away: physical and mental (also called social or emotional pain).  Is one worse than the other?  There wasn't complete agreement on this, but most felt it was emotional pain.  Research supports this belief.  Dr. Kip Williams, a psychologist from Purdue University, after completing four research projects with several colleagues, says that, "While both types of pain can hurt very much at the time they occur, social pain has the unique ability to come back over and over again, whereas physical pain lingers only as an awareness that it was indeed at one time painful." Dr. Williams and his colleagues are not alone in that feeling.  A few years ago I was watching a TV program about psychological healing that had several family therapists on it.  One of the

Giving and Kindness

     I want to focus on GIVING here because KINDNESS is covered in Chapter 8.  When you get there I hope you'll read it with the understanding that being loving and being kind are essentially the same. What does it mean to be giving?  What do we give that shows our love of others?  Money?  Empathy?  Caring?  Compassion?  Listening?  Service?  All of these and more.  Being giving means showing an unselfish concern for others, and acting on it.  This often includes self-sacrifice.  What do we give?  We give ourselves to the betterment of others.  We come to their aid, we teach them, we comfort them, we help them grow, we enhance their lives.  The more we give to others, the more it comes back to us.  We reap what we sow. Think for a minute what the world would be like if everyone made their best effort at living each day with this type of love.  Think for a minute what your individual world would be like if you made your best effort at living each day with this type of love.  Does i

Nhóm ‘hiệp sĩ’ gốc Việt ở Houston giúp cộng đồng vô vị lợi

    Đoan Trang/Người Việt   HOUSTON, Texas (NV ) – Một nhóm mang tên “Hiệp Sĩ Thông Tin” ở thành phố Houston, tiểu bang Texas, chuyên làm việc thiện nguyện giúp đỡ người Việt gặp nạn khi lái xe đang được nhiều người biết đến.  Được thành lập cách đây ba năm, ban đầu nhóm có tên là “Houston Thông Tin và Trao Đổi,” chỉ có ba anh em, nhưng nay số thành viên lên đến 20 người, nhưng họ vẫn chưa dừng ở đây.  Mục đích của nhóm Hiệp Sĩ Thông Tin là giúp cộng đồng người Việt của thành phố Houston khi họ gặp nạn trong lúc lái xe như: hết bình điện, hết xăng, bể bánh (thay hoặc vá bánh), mở cửa lấy chìa khóa bị bỏ quên trên xe,… “Mấy chục anh em chúng tôi đều có công ăn việc làm, lại có chút thời gian rảnh sau giờ làm, nên ai thuận tiện thì sẵn sàng đi giúp, dù ban đêm ban hôm,” anh Trần Trí Hoàng, một trong ba thành viên khi nhóm thành lập vào Tháng Năm, 2018, kể với phóng viên nhận báo Người Việt.  Anh Hoàng là kỹ sư điện toán, kể về các hiệp sĩ khác, trong đó, anh Trung Võ là chủ