Is the sun smiling at us? :-) NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory captured this image Aug. 21, 2013, showing what looks to be a grinning face on the sun. An image of the sun captured Aug 21, 2013 An image of the sun captured Aug. 21, 2013. This composite uses a number of images of the Earth's surface taken by instruments onboard the Suomi NPP satellite on Jan. 4, creating an image similar to the famed "Blue Marble." A new view of the Small Magellanic Cloud galaxy is seen in this image released by NASA on April 3, 2013. The SMC is a dwarf galaxy about 200,000 light-years away that orbits the Milky Way. It is one of the Milky Way's closest neighbors and even though it's a small galaxy, the SMC is so bright that it is visible to the naked eye from the Southern Hemisphere and near the equator. The spiral galaxy in the lower lefthand corner is actually behind this nebula. Other distant galaxies -- located hundred...
When I was a 19-year-old sophomore at the University of San Francisco, I met an 18-year old freshman who had a profound effect on my life. Why? Because he had the greatest attitude of anyone I've ever known. I met Bruce early in the school year, but didn't get to really know him until the spring semester, when he taught me one of the most valuable lessons I've ever learned. Bruce had been a great high school football player in his hometown of Fresno, California, and was planning to attend Notre Dame University on an athletic scholarship. But tragedy hit him at the beginning of his senior year. He was stricken with polio a few weeks before the Salk Polio Vaccine arrived at his school. He almost died, was in the hospital for several weeks, and ended up paralyzed. He could not move his legs or his arms. He could talk, he could move his head, and he could move his hands and fingers, even though his arms were dead. Through sheer ...
Hãy Nhìn Lại Xuân Qua Xuân này nhìn lại Xuân đã qua Mậu Thân 68 có ... quỷ già Phát lệnh giết người trên khắp nước: "Tiến lên ! Toàn thắng ắt về ta " Xuân này lệ nhỏ thương Xuân xưa Nước Việt quê tôi máu nhuộm đường Xứ sở thần kinh màu tang tóc Tiếng kêu gào thấu mấy cho vừa ! Xuân này dân Việt thêm nỗi đau Bởi kẻ viết sử lạy ... Mao Tàu Còng lưng quen thói cong ngòi bút Tạo thêm oan nghiệt đến khi nào ?! Xuân này thương nhớ đất thần kinh Bởi Huế ngày xưa rất yên bình Từ sau biến cố năm 68 Người người đón Tết khóc Hương Linh ! Xuân này hoà điệu với Xuân xưa Đảng mừng "chiến thắng" ... giết vạn người Chôn sống dân Việt nơi xứ Huế Là công Bác, Đảng ... diệt giống nòi ! Xuân này hay là muôn vạn Xuân Nhà nhà đón Tết dù tưng bừng Nhưng người dân Việt luôn ghi nhớ Bác là tội đồ giết nhân dân !!! Xuân Quý Tỵ 2/2013 Cố Đô Yêu Dấu Gợi buồn chi này Cố đô ơi Hoàng thành kia giờ không thấy ...
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